
FWPA | Providing Opportunities for Artists to Make an Impact

 Since its establishment, the Fort Worth Public Art program has engaged the talents, skills, and visions of local, regional and national artists to elevate the quality of life and that of visitors to the city.  The resulting artworks and designs, with their amazing range of materials and styles, contribute to Fort Worth’s uniqueness, and remind us of public art’s role in expressing our civic identity by reflecting who we are, what we have been, and to what we aspire to be.    – Mark Thistlethwaite, PhD, Kay and Velma Kimbell Chair of Art History, Texas Christian University, and Former Chair of the Fort Worth Art Commission

PRE-QUALIFIED ARTISTS | Our Primary Source for Artist Selection

Whether you are an experienced public artist or a North Texas-based artist who aspires to work in the public realm, we need you!  While the Fort Worth Public Art Master Plan Update (pages 54-56) outlines six different selection processes, our primary method is the Pre-Qualified List, which includes two categories: Established Public Artists and Emerging Public Artists. Interested artists will be invited to submit qualifications online for review by a panel of art and design professionals who will make recommendations to the Fort Worth Art Commission for approval.  North Texas Artists with little or no previous public art experience will be required to attend a Public Artist Training Workshop in order to be considered.


Fort Worth Public Art’s Pre-Qualified list of artists is updated approximately every four years.  Please check back for more information about the next call for artists. Click here to see the current list of artists.


This page contains a wealth of information for artists interested in creating public art, including ways to engage the community, how to budget for projects, and links to artist opportunities in Texas.